1. 您未遵守本协议,使用虚假或无效信息注册JCPAY帐号的;
2. 您发布虚假商品或服务信息、销售假冒伪劣商品或实施欺诈活动;
3. 您实施其他违法行为。
1. 一旦您注册或激活成为JCPAY用户,并使用JCPAY服务,JCPAY公司将在您及(或)对方符合指定条件或状态时,支付款项给您所指定的对象,或收取他人支付给您的款项。
2. 您在此确认,您在JCPAY公司网站或第三方网站上按JCPAY服务流程所确认的交易状态将成为JCPAY公司为您支付或收取款项的不可撤销的指令。您同意JCPAY公司有权按相关指令依据本协议及相关规定对款项或交易等进行处理。
3. 如您在使用JCPAY服务时涉及第三方提供的产品或服务,JCPAY公司对您与第三方可能出现的纠纷概不承担责任。如您未能及时对交易状态进行修改或确认或未能提交相关申请所引起的任何纠纷或损失由您本人负责。
5. 您在使用JCPAY服务时,应自行谨慎判断对方是否是完全民事行为能力人并自行决定是否与对方进行交易或转账给对方等,且您应自行承担与此相关的所有风险。
6. 您了解JCPAY公司并不是银行,您认同资金流转需要一定的时间,具体到账时间取决于银行等系统,您同意JCPAY公司对此不承担责任。
7. 您同意,JCPAY公司无须对您使用JCPAY服务期间由JCPAY公司保管或代收代付的款项的货币贬值、汇率波动或投资亏损造成的损失承担任何责任,并且JCPAY公司无须向您支付此等款项的任何孳息。
8. 当您通过JCPAY服务进行各项交易或接受交易款项时,若您或对方未遵从本协议条款或网站说明中的操作指示,JCPAY公司并不保证交易会顺利完成。若因上述状况致使款项已先行支付至您的账户,您应立即向JCPAY公司返还此笔款项,但该款项属于您合法所有的除外。此款项若已汇入您的银行账户,您同意JCPAY公司有向您事后索回的权利。
9. 您需全面了解并遵守您所在国家或司法辖区与使用JCPAY服务所有相关法律、法规及规则。您理解,JCPAY公司有权按照当地法律及法律规定的其他有权机关的要求对您在JCPAY公司的资金及账户等进行查询、冻结或扣划。
10. 您了解,如您在使用JCPAY服务过程中,由于您的JCPAY账户被盗用或冒用造成您的资金损失,经JCPAY公司同意,您可授权JCPAY公司代表您向相关责任第三方或赔付机构进行追偿。您与JCPAY公司另有约定的除外。
11. 您同意,为了向您提供更为专业、便捷的JCPAY服务,您不可撤销地授权JCPAY公司有权向您推送JCPAY公司最新服务消息或通知,并基于JCPAY服务开展的实际需要,在JCPAY公司内部平台以共享您的用户信息,详见《隐私保护声明》。JCPAY公司将依法保守您的用户信息及商业秘密,不对外泄漏,但法律法规或监管机构另有规定的除外。
12. 为更安全、有效地向您提供服务,根据法律法规的规定,或JCPAY公司需识别您的身份,或JCPAY公司认为您的账户存在风险时,JCPAY公司有权要求您提交身份信息证件或其他能识别证明您身份的合法文件。
13. 您同意,JCPAY公司有权根据有效法律文书(包括但不限于生效的法院判决、仲裁裁决书、行政决定书等)的内容处置与您的JCPAY账户相关的款项和交易。
1. 您在注册或激活JCPAY账户,以及自行设置密码后,可按照JCPAY公司的业务管理规则及要求使用JCPAY服务,使用JCPAY账户的充值、提现、转账、代收、代付和查询等功能(具体服务和功能以JCPAY公司实际提供的为准)。
2. 如您使用JCPAY服务购买境外商品,JCPAY公司可根据您已同意支付的款项,以您的名义通过JCPAY合作银行购买相应外汇并与境外卖家结算。
3. 您可以使用JCPAY服务向您的JCPAY账户充值,JCPAY公司将会妥善保管您的资金。
4. 交易异常处理:
5. 服务功能调整:
1. 您提供的个人资料不真实,且未能提供合理说明及证明;
2. 您违反相关法律、法规、规章及政府规范性文件或本协议约定;
3. 您未按照本协议第三条第(三)款的约定足额付费;
4. 所在国相应的有权机关向JCPAY公司发出要求;
5. JCPAY公司认为存在安全隐患。
您了解并同意 ,您可通过JCPAY账户(JCPAY账户登录名包括商户号、手机号、电子邮箱等形式)使用JCPAY服务,并确保上述账户及其密码的安全。您将对利用上述账户及其密码所进行的一切行为负完全责任,并同意以下事项:
1. 反对所在或所属国法律,危害其国家安全、泄漏国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一的;
2. 侵害他人名誉权、隐私权、商业秘密、商标权、著作权、专利权、其他知识产权及其他合法权益;
3. 违反依法律或本协议所应负的保密义务;
4. 冒用他人名义使用JCPAY服务;
5. 从事所在国或者所属国认为的不法交易行为,如贩卖枪支、毒品、禁药、盗版软件、黄色淫秽物品或其他违禁物;
6. 提供赌博资讯或以任何方式引诱他人参与赌博;
7. 涉嫌洗钱、恐怖融资、套现或进行其他非法活动的;
8. 使用无效信用卡号码或他人信用卡号码进行交易;
9. 使用无效银行账户或他人银行账户交易;
10. 进行与您或交易对方宣称的内容不符的交易或不真实的交易;
11. 从事任何可能侵害JCPAY服务系統的行为;
12. 其他违法行为或JCPAY公司有正当理由认为不适当的行为。
1. JCPAY服务将符合您的全部需求。
2. 您经由JCPAY服务购买或取得的任何产品、服务、资讯或其他资料将符合您的期望。
1. 删除软件及其副本上关于著作权的信息;
2. 对软件进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译或者以其他方式尝试发现软件的源代码;
3. 对JCPAY公司拥有知识产权或获得授权的内容进行使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版、建立镜像站点等;
4. 对软件或者软件运行过程中释放到任何终端内存中的数据、软件运行过程中客户端与服务器端的交互数据,以及软件运行所必需的系统数据,进行复制、修改、增加、删除、挂接运行或创作任何衍生作品,形式包括但不限于使用插件、外挂或非经合法授权的第三方工具/服务接入软件和相关系统;
5. 修改或伪造软件运行中的指令、数据,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,或者将用于上述用途的软件、方法进行运营或向公众传播,无论上述行为是否为商业目的;
6. 通过非JCPAY公司开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统使用JCPAY服务,或制作、发布、传播非JCPAY公司开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统;
7. 其他未经JCPAY公司明示授权的行为。
Welcome to JcPay!
This Agreement is a contract between you and JcPay and governs your use of all JcPay Services. Using the JcPay Services means that you must accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. You should read all of these terms carefully.
We may amend this Agreement at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it. In addition, if the revised version includes a Substantial Change, we will provide you with 30 Days' prior notice of any Substantial Change by posting notice on the page of our website.
We may close, suspend, or limit your access to your Account or the JcPay Services, and/or limit access to your Balance for up to 180 Days (or longer if pursuant to a court order or other legal process) if you violate this Agreement, the Privacy Policy, any other agreement you enter into with JcPay, or as otherwise specified in this Agreement or other agreement you have entered into with JcPay. We may also use proprietary fraud and risk modeling when assessing the risk associated with your Account.
1. Our Relationship with You.
1.1 JcPay is Only a Payment Service Provider. JcPay helps you make payments to and accept payments from third parties. JcPay is an independent contractor for all purposes, and is not your agent or trustee or bank. JcPay does not have control of, or liability for, the products or services that are paid for with the JcPay Services. We do not guarantee the identity of any User or ensure that the user will complete a transaction.
1.2 Your Privacy. Protecting your privacy is very important to JcPay. Please review our Privacy Policy in order to better understand our commitment to maintaining your privacy, as well as our use and disclosure of your Information.
1.3 Privacy of Others; Marketing. If you receive Information about another User through the JcPay Services, you must keep the Information confidential and only use it in connection with the JcPay Services. You may not disclose or distribute a User's Information to a third party or use the Information for marketing purposes unless you receive the User's express consent to do so.
You may not send unsolicited email to a User or use the JcPay Services to collect payments for sending, or assisting in sending, unsolicited email to third parties.
1.4 Assignment. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations you have under this Agreement without JcPay's prior written consent. JcPay reserves the right to transfer or assign this Agreement or any right or obligation under this Agreement at any time.
1.5 Password Security and Keeping Your Email and Account Information Current. You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any and all IDs, passwords, account information, personal identification numbers (PINs), or any other codes that you use to access the JcPay Services.
1.6 Account Statement. You have the right to receive an Account statement. You may view your Account statement by logging into your JcPay Account.
2. Accounts.
We only offer Business Accounts. By opening a Business Account and accepting the terms as outlined in this Agreement, you attest that you are not establishing the Account primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
3. Receiving Money.
You can receive your payment in your JcPay account.
4. Account Balances.
If you hold a Balance in your JcPay account, that Balance represents an unsecured claim against JcPay and is not insured. JcPay will combine your Balance with the Balances of other Users and will invest those funds in liquid investments in accordance with State money transmitter laws. JcPay will own the interest or other earnings on pooled Balances. JcPay will hold pooled Balances separate from its corporate funds and will not use Balances for its operating expenses or for any other corporate purposes.
5. Withdrawing Money.
5.1 How to Withdraw Money. You may withdraw funds from your Account by electronically transferring them to your bank account. Funds may only be withdrawn in US Dollars. If you request withdrawing money, you can visit “Withdrawing Money” page on our website and submit a written application for withdrawing.
6. Closing Your Account.
6.1 How to Close Your Account. You may close your Account at any time by sending email customer@jctrans.net and Customer Service of JcPay Company will help you close your account. Upon Account closure, we will cancel any pending transactions and you will forfeit any Balances associated with Redemption Codes, unless otherwise legally prohibited. You must withdraw your Balance prior to closing your Account. If you have a pending payment, we will not close your Account until that payment has been made, but we may limit your ability to make additional transactions using your Account.
6.2 Limitations on Closing Your Account. You may not close your Account to evade an investigation. If you attempt to close your Account while we are conducting an investigation, we may hold your Balance for up to 180 Days to protect JcPay, its affiliates, or a third party against the risk of Reversals, Chargebacks, Claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability. You will remain liable for all obligations related to your Account even after the Account is closed.
7. Restricted Activities.
7.1 Restricted Activities. In connection with your use of our website, your Account, the JcPay Services, or in the course of your interactions with JcPay, other Users, or third parties, you will not:
a) Breach this Agreement, the Privacy Policy, or any other agreement or policy that you have agreed to with JcPay;
b) Violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation (for example, those governing financial services, consumer protections, unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising);
c) Infringe JcPay's or any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy;
d) Act in a manner that is defamatory, trade libelous, threatening or harassing;
e) Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information;
f) Send or receive what we reasonably believe to be potentially fraudulent funds;
g) Refuse to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of your identity or any Information you provide to us;
h) Conduct your business or use the JcPay Services in a manner that results in or may result in complaints, Disputes, Claims, Reversals, Chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties or other liability to JcPay, other Users, third parties or you;
i) Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; facilitate any viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or Information; use an anonymizing proxy; use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our website without our prior written permission; or use any device, software or routine to bypass our robot exclusion headers, or interfere or attempt to interfere with our website or the JcPay Services;
j) Take any action that may cause us to lose any of the services from our Internet service providers, payment processors, or other suppliers;
k) Harass and/or threaten our employees, agents, or other users.
8. Your Liability - Actions We May Take.
8.1 Your Liability. You are responsible for all Reversals, Chargebacks, Claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability incurred by JcPay, a User, or a third party caused by or arising out of your breach of this Agreement, and/or your use of the JcPay Services. You agree to reimburse JcPay, a User, or a third party for any and all such liability.
8.2 Actions by JcPay - Restricted Activities. If JcPay, in its sole discretion, believes that you may have engaged in any Restricted Activities, we may take various actions to protect JcPay, other Users, other third parties, or you from Reversals, Chargebacks, Claims, fees, fines, penalties and any other liability. The actions we may take include but are not limited to the following:
a) We may close, suspend, or limit your access to your Account or the JcPay Services (such as limiting access to any of your Payment Methods, and/or your ability to send money, make withdrawals, or remove financial Information).
b) We may update inaccurate Information you provided us;
c) We may refuse to provide the JcPay Services to you in the future;
d) We may hold your Balance for up to 180 Days if reasonably needed to protect against the risk of liability or if you have violated our agreement or Privacy Policy;
e) We may take legal action against you; and
f) JcPay, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, access to its website, or access to the JcPay Services for any reason and at any time upon notice to you and payment to you of any unrestricted funds held in your Balance.
8.3 Actions by JcPay - Court Orders or Other Legal Process.
JcPay, in its sole discretion, may take various actions including placing a hold, Reserve, or other limitation on your Account or the funds in it and/or releasing any or all of your funds in the event it receives notice of a court order or other legal process that restricts the use of or access to your funds or requires their release. JcPay will give notice of a hold, Reserve, or limitation it makes to comply with a court order or other legal process, unless the court order or other process directs that JcPay not provide you notice, in which case the court order or other process supersedes any notice obligation JcPay has undertaken or agreed to under the terms of this Agreement. JcPay has no obligation to contest or appeal from any such order or process. Holds, Reserves, or limitations on your account that are placed in response to a court order or other legal process may be maintained longer than 180 Days. JcPay will decide in its sole discretion the appropriate scope of a hold, Reserve, and/or limitation to assure compliance with a court order or other legal process.
Additionally, in the event JcPay receives notice of a garnishment or equivalent legal process directing the restraint of funds in your Account or directing payment of funds from your Account to the court or another third party, JcPay may limit your Account and hold the funds in it for up to 180 days, and may disburse funds from your Account, as needed, for the purpose of resolving any Dispute, Claim, Chargeback, or Reversal.
8.4 Actions by JcPay - Holds.
a. Risk-Based Holds. JcPay, in its sole discretion, may place a hold on any or all of the payments you receive when JcPay believes there may be a high level of risk associated with you, your Account, or any or all of your transactions. JcPay’s determination may be based on a number of different factors and JcPay may rely on information it receives from third parties. If JcPay places a hold on a payment, the funds will appear in your “Pending Balance” and the payment status will show as “Completed - Funds not yet available”.
b. Disputed Transaction Holds. If a User files a Dispute, Claim, Chargeback or Reversal on a payment you received, JcPay may place a temporary hold on the funds in your Account to cover the amount of the liability. If you win the dispute or the transaction is eligible for JcPay service, JcPay will lift the temporary hold. If you lose the dispute, JcPay will remove the funds from your Account.
9. Disputes with JcPay.
9.1 Contact JcPay. If a dispute arises between you and JcPay, our goal is to learn about and address your concerns and, if we are unable to do so to your satisfaction, to provide you with a neutral and cost effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Disputes between you and JcPay regarding the JcPay Services may be reported to Customer Service online through the JcPay Help Center or send email to customer@jctrans.net at any time.
9.2 Release of JcPay. If you have a dispute with one or more Users, you release JcPay (and our parent, our Affiliates, and our and their respective officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, employees and suppliers) from any and all Claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. In entering into this release you expressly waive any protections that would otherwise limit the coverage of this release to include only those claims which you may know or suspect to exist in your favor at the time of agreeing to this release.
9.3 Translated Agreement. Any translation of this Agreement is provided solely for your convenience and is not intended to modify the terms of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the English version of this Agreement and a version in a language other than English, the English version shall apply.